Monday, February 26, 2007

Airport exits make lousy turning points.

Whenever one gets the chance to drive somewhere new without hurry being a burden one can truly take in the experience. One can take in the new environment of town after town and city district to city district noticing the difference in style, culture, and diversity. However, part of exploring is getting lost, and when one is not in a hurry this can be adventurous rather than stressful. But it is always important to know that when you are lost and realize that you may be going the wrong direction on the interstate, airport exits make lousy turning points.

Newberg, Oregon held nothing extra special from any other rural city. However, the conference was refreshing. I wish it had lasted longer than a day. One of my favorite authors spoke two 1 hour sessions that opened up my mind to new insight and new information. It was a pleasure to finally get to meet the author behind the text that I have been reading for a few years now. When he spoke in front of the huge audience it was as though he was reading a brand new book that nobody had heard of yet. What a gift.

The Belmont District in Portland provided a wonderful evening for good conversations, parallel parking, puddles and tea. Pied Cow Coffeehouse provided an exceptional decorative heated outdoor seating arrangement with great service a good tea. Catching up with old friends with good stories and new plans. The night was left with one more coffeehouse, new idea's, new goals, and much reading.

All and all, Saturday was a great day.

Keep Portland Weird


music: The New Amsterdams
book: (currently not reading. Too busy reviewing for a test.)

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