Monday, January 29, 2007

Post Holidays

It seems as though every year after thanksgiving is over before you know it, here comes Valentines-Day. That's Right! Hallmark Day.

Now I really don't have any intentions to talk about Valentines-Day, I just wanted to point out how fast time goes by.

I am caught up in the busy spell again. School, Work, Planning for the wedding (by planning I mean she is planning and I am behind her in the process), and whatever else comes my way.

In the middle of everything I have noticed that the busy things in my life and the people in it every day are here for a reason. I am quite happy to be stressed sometimes. It is good, meaningful, and some what delightful. In March I will regret such a post, but until then-Party On Wayne!


Oh Yeah, I started watching 'How I met your mother Season 1' and one of the characters reminds me of my buddy Tim 6 years from now. I need to find Tim a little red head girl.
music: Reggie and the Full Effect
book: Freud and Beyond

1 comment:

Tim said...

All three of us posted in the same week. Weird.